Our Strategy (2019 – 2024)

Taking Care of Mental Health – It’s ours to own

Action in Mind strives to be an inclusive organisation and works together with our key stakeholders - people who use our services, their families and carers; people who work and volunteer with us; our board of directors and trustees and mental health supporters, commissioners, funders and partners.  

Our new five year strategy, Taking Care of Mental Health – It’s ours to own (2019-2024) is the culmination of what we discussed and learned from several consultations and discussions with our key stakeholders.  We also took into account the social policy landscape and changes in health and social care (integration, commissioning and delivery) that have the power to influence and shape mental health services, locally and nationally, now and in the future.  Our Service User Reference Forum (SURF) provided very insightful contributions that led to rethinking the charity’s vision, mission and core values.  

Following our successful application to Pilotlight (Scotland) we were grateful to be allocated three professional mentors (Pilotlighters) whose combined skills included, human resources and workforce planning, marketing, business planning and third sector management.  The programme was co-ordinated and managed by their Scottish Manager, pilotlighters and our board and senior focused our work around business development, growth and financial sustainability.  

The Scottish Government’s new ten-year mental health strategy (2017-2027) has given us a reasonable indicator of the current mental health priorities and actions to be pursued - Prevention and early intervention, Access to treatment and joined up accessible care, Physical well-being of people with mental health problems and, Rights, information use and planning.  We have sought to incorporate these into the strategy.

Our strategy, Taking Care of Mental Health: It’s ours to own is not a document to be read once but rather a live document that sets out a clear pathway of our key priorities and actions – what we want to, why and how we will achieve this.   The priorities and actions we set out here build on our strengths but also reflect our ambitions and aspirations, a collaboration of all our stakeholders.