The Silver Jubilee Years (1985-2010)
SDAMH Steering Group created to establish local mental health association
Constitution adopted
First service established – SDAMH Drop-In Centre at the Cowane Community Centre
Charitable status granted
First staff appointed – Liz Thomas, part-time Development Worker and Elisa Ferguson, Secretary
Official opening of SDAMH’s The Cabin by Diana Rigg (to become Dame Diana in 1994 and SDAMH patron in 1997) on 25 October 1991 with Jack McConnell (Leader of Stirling District Council) and Ann Wallace (Convener, Central Regional Council)
Adult Befriending Service and Counselling Service established
Weekly groups for men and women set up within the Drop-in Centre
Incorporated as Company Limited by Guarantee and registered with Companies House
Appointment of Alan Douglas as full-time SDAMH Manager
Rural Access Service established
Money and Benefits Service piloted with Stirling & District Citizen’s Advice Bureau
Appointment of Chris Whaley as SDAMH Interim Manager
Move to new SDAMH premises in Riverside and official opening by Dame Diana Rigg on 19 December 1997
Introduction of Home Support Service pilot
Appointment of Christine Bauer as SDAMH Executive Director
Money and Benefits Service established in partnership with Stirling and District Citizens Advice Bureau
Home Support Service established
Launch of In-Touch Information Service
Young Person’s Befriending Service established
Postnatal Depression Support Group set up in partnership with NHS Forth Valley and Stirling Council
Approaches to Choosing Life Service launched
Investors in People Award achieved
Positive about Disabled People Award achieved
Ageing Well Service established
Opening of new extension of SDAMH premises in Riverside
L to R Christine Bauer, Executive Director; Dame Diana Rigg, Patron and Campbell McQueen, Chairperson
Appointment of Helena Scott as SDAMH Executive Director (April 2010)
Celebrating 25th anniversary of SDAMH
Stakeholder engagement resulting in refocusing and rebranding SDAMH and relaunching under new name of Action in Mind.
Honorary appointments of Suzy Johnston and Michel Syrett as Action in Mind’s Mental Health Champions
Executive Director appointed as company director with the Scottish Mental Health Cooperative
Launch of Action in Mind’s three-year strategic plan (2011), One in Four - too many
Action in Mind selected as one of five Scottish charities for the Scottish Parliament’s Community Partnerships Programme leading to the launch of Working Well with Mental Health: Employer’s guide to mental health in the workplace
Launch of three-year project, Self-Directed Support in Mental Health: Capacity building for third sector mental health service providers, led by the Mental Health Foundation, in partnership with the Scottish Mental Health Co-operative, funded by Scottish Government
Action in Mind named Charity of the Year by Forth Valley College Student Association
10th anniversary of the Young Person Befriending Service
Partner to the Stirling Integrated Mental Health Service with NHS Forth Valley and Shared Services (Clackmannanshire and Stirling Councils) Launch of the three-year Peer Mentor Support project for Mental Health Carers, in partnership with the Mental Health Foundation and Glasgow Association of Mental Health, funded by the Big Lottery Action in Mind, lead partner for the Scottish Mental Health Co-operative’s three year national project, Age in Mind: mental health stigma and discrimination in later life, funded by See Me (national anti-stigma programme) Funding from Stirling Council’s Opportunities for All, to extend the Time to Talk Service to 16 & 17 year olds on activity agreements
Stirling and District Association of Mental Health (SDAMH) and Action in Mind mark 30 years as local mental health service provider 10th anniversary of the Rural Access Service Time to Talk – rural school based counselling service launched within Balfron High School, with funding from Stirling Council’s Youth Services Launch of Action in Mind’s Riverside Pop-Up Internet Café, with funding support from the Rock Foundation Action in Mind publishes, Self-Directed Support and Mental Health Planning for Self-Directed Support Services, as part of national three year project with the Mental Health Foundation and the Scottish Mental Health Co-operative (2012-2015)
Action in Mind named Charity of the Year by M&S, Stirling
Action in Mind publishes, Age in Mind: mental health stigma and discrimination of people over 50 literature review, as part of the partnership` project with the Scottish Mental Health Co-operative Time to Talk service extended to Dunblane and McLaren High Schools, funded by individual donations to and fundraising by Action in MInd First Minister, Nicola Sturgeon MSP (below) at Action in Mind’s Youth Aloud event at McLaren High School for two hundred senior pupils from across Stirling Council area (5 October 2016)
Setting up of new counselling services as supporting partner of Future Pathways, Scottish consortium of statutory and third sector organisations seeking to identify and support in-care survivors of abuse and neglect. Achievement of the Quality in Befriending Award for Excellence (good practice) from Befriending Networks
New mental wellbeing pilot launched, Realising Resilience and Wellbeing: the three principles, developed in partnership with Karen Auld Associates
Tenth anniversary of Action in Mind